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English language
Limba Romana
When my soul lay awake late last night, did it seem
That I saw my good angel come down as in a dream,
Engirdled with moonlight and silver star gleam,
And hover above me with wings wide outspread.
But you, when he spied, in your snowy white dress,
O child of sweet wonder, and secret caress,
Quite awed and astonished my guardian fled.

Good child, are you demon that just at one glance
Of your eyes through their lashes thrown softly askance
My angel and friend left his long vigilance?
O guardian angel, come back, do not flee
For this girl. . . ! But no, let your long lashes fall,
That your pale lovely features again I recall,
For you... you are he.

Translated by

Corneliu M. Popescu
Cand sufletu-mi noaptea veghea in estaze,
Vedeam ca in vis pe-al meu inger de paza
Incins cu o haina de umber si raze,
C-asupra-mi c-un zambet aripele-a-ntins;
Dar cum te vazui intr-o palida haina,
Copila cuprinsa de dor si de taina,
Fugi acel inger de ochiu-ti invins.

Esti demon, coopila, ca numai c-o zare
Din genele-ti lunge, din ochiul tau mare
Facusi pe-al meu inger cu spaima sa zboare,
El, veghea mea sfanta, amicul fidel?
Ori poate!...O,-nchide lungi genele tale,
Sa pot recunoaste trasurile-ti pale,
Caci tu-tu tu esti el.

(1871, 15 iunie)

Mihail Eminescu
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